Founder - Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
(since 1818)

Our Address:
Rozdestvenka Street, 12
Moscow, Russia




Did you know that nowadays millions of people all over the world speak Arabic, one of the 6 official working languages of the United Nations Organisation.


The Department of Arabic Language provides the opportunity to master Arabic and get specialised in the following fields:
— International Economy (060600) with the qualification as an Economist majoring in International Economic Cooperation and International Business;
— Regional Studies (350300) with the qualification as a Regional Studies Specialist majoring in Arab countries;
— History (020700) with the qualification as a Historian majoring in Teaching.
The course in the Arabic language for students and postgraduates coverns various linguistic aspects and prepares learners to become well-qualified specialists in the Arabic language.

Teaching is delivered with the help of brand new methods and is related to learners’ interests and career development. Much attention is focused on training students with respect to their future work in such areas as research and teaching, public service, business, banking and international organizations.


The Department offers up-to-date teaching materials and facilities to ensure effective studies. Fully equipped lecture and tutorial rooms and a language laboratory are available.

Students are provided with the necessary textbooks, many of which are compiled by the lecturers of the Department. The University library contains a wide range of reference and study materials. Audiovisuals and interactives are used to enhance teaching and learning. TV & online media channels and periodicals in Arabic are also employed in the teaching process

The Department’s Information Board displays current events and activities, taking place at the Department and University, relevant for those learning Arabic. Students of Arabic maintain the Oriental Countries Photo Gallery.


Lecturers and students of the Department actively participate in conferences and workshops on foreign languages teaching issues, conducted at Moscow top universities, to establish ties between universities.

The Department greatly contributes to developing cultural relations with universities of similar academic interests. Students’ talent shows and other extracurricular events have long become a good tradition at Oriental University.

At the end of the academic year, festive graduation ceremonies are held. On special occasions Arabic language students of Oriental University and other universities take part in amateur concerts.

Традиционными стали поездки наших студентов на стажировку в вузы таких арабских стран, как Египет, Сирия, Тунис.

The students of the Department who wish to study abroad have a choice of options at the universities of Egypt, Syria and Tunisia


NEWS (russian only)